Mission Statement

To be the leading accrediting organization dedicated to a peer review process based on best practice standards, promoting service excellence with a Vision to create a community of socially responsible organizations fostering positive growth and advancing good governance practices. 

Center for Social Responsibility and Accountability (CESRA) is an NGO dedicated to strengthening the nonprofit sector through sustainability, accountability, and societal responsibility. We empower organizations with training and development to uphold high standards in management and governance, fostering positive growth and good governance practices.


Promoting Accountability Standards

CESRA aims to advocate for and promote accountability standards within the nonprofit sector, ensuring that organizations uphold integrity and transparency in their operations.

Capacity Building for Nonprofits

CESRA seeks to empower nonprofit organizations through comprehensive training and development initiatives, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to enhance their management and governance practices.

Facilitating Collaboration

CESRA bridges connections and fosters collaboration within the nonprofit sector by providing a platform for networking and advocacy, thereby promoting synergy and collective action towards societal goals.

Facilitating CSR Engagement

CESRA facilitates connections between businesses and accredited nonprofit organizations, enabling them to access resources such as fundraising opportunities and grants to support their impactful initiatives.

Providing Support Services

CESRA offers essential human resource services and logistical support to its members, ensuring they have the necessary infrastructure to thrive and effectively carry out their missions.

Monitoring and Evaluation

CESRA conducts meticulous monitoring and evaluation on behalf of donors to uphold transparency and accountability within the sector, safeguarding the trust placed in nonprofit organizations.

Conducting Research and Advocacy

CESRA engages in research and advocates for policy reforms aimed at driving meaningful change, particularly in areas such as poverty reduction and sustainable development aligned with the SDGs.

Addressing Societal Challenges

CESRA’s objectives include addressing various societal challenges such as poverty reduction, peace-building, social services provision, economic development, and education promotion for marginalized populations.

Catalyzing Positive Change

Overall, CESRA serves as a catalyst for positive change within the nonprofit sector, fostering a culture of accountability, collaboration, and commitment to serving communities towards a more equitable and sustainable future.

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