A visit to the homes of the elderly and critically ill was a special one. It was Organized by Hope of love, CBO in partnership with CESRA. 

   The main aim of the visit was to to show them love, a sense of belonging and also to donate food and offer financial support.The elderly need special care due to their age and health conditions since most of them are weak while others are critically ill to the extent of using diapers.

     From our visit we realized that,most elderly person are rejected and abandoned by their loved one and live in very poor conditions and hardly access medical care and food supply. Most of them require special care and love which is seen as a burden to the family and the community.

  Hope of love ,CBO realized this gap and decided to visit a few and show them love by listening to their stories, donating food stuffs and some money.

      Meet pastor Njenga, one of elderly person who has diabetes as he shared his story.

“I have been critically ill for sometime and have gone through many operations but thanks to my loving family that has been so supportive because initially I could not walk but now I can walk around the compound and even feel stronger” he shared.

” They have showed me love and special care despite the fact that I am using diapers and this makes me feel loved and gives me a sense of belonging” he added. It was such a wonderful and encouraging moment together.

       Meet mama jambi, an elderly person who lives in a very poor condition with her daughter who is asthmatic and also has arthritis.

” I live in this small mud house which we have rented with my daughter who goes out daily to look for work as a casual labourer in farms and homes around. She tries her best to put food on the table even when the search for work bears no positive results.Other family members abandoned me but I’m grateful that my daughter has been with me” she shared.

” Sometimes well wishers come to visit us and bring us food clothing and some money which helps us to pay our rent. I really appreciate that you came to visit me this day and brought me all this food and some money” she added. She showed her gratitude as she wiped her tears.

     From the two scenarios we observed that, some elderly person are lucky to have loving caring families while others are rejected and abandoned by their loved ones yet they require special care, love and support. Hope of love,CBO makes every effort to show love and support to the elderly persons who are rejected and abandoned in the society.

How you can support 

Donations:Diapers, Food stuffs, wheel chairs, walkers and clothes.

Financial support .


  For those who would wish to be part of this wonderful initiative contact the chairperson Hope of love, CBO (Teresia Njoroge )- 0724601311




Hope of love is a community based organization that focuses on supporting the elderly, disabled, orphans, Cancer patients and HIV/AIDS infected persons living in poverty.

The Center for Social Responsibility and Accountability (CESRA) is an accreditation organization committed to fostering integrity and transparency within the nonprofit sector.

Ann Ndumia
Author: Ann Ndumia

Program coordinator ,CESRA