Category: Grants resources

Strengthening Transparency and Accountability Through Accreditation in Monitoring and Evaluation

CONCEPT NOTE  – TO ALL DONORS AND CSR PRACTITIONERS   As supporters dedicated to fostering positive change within the nonprofit sector, your commitment to transparency and accountability is paramount. At CESRA (Center for Social Responsibility and Accountability), we share your vision for a world where nonprofit organizations operate with the highest standards of integrity and effectiveness. Read more…

Empowering Change through Comprehensive Project Proposals

Very important information for Potential Proposal Requester Greetings from the Center for Social Responsibility and Accountability (CESRA)! We appreciate your commitment to driving positive change and fostering social responsibility. As you embark on the journey of soliciting project proposals, it is essential to ensure that the submissions align with the core values of your organization. Read more…

NGO Grants

Non-profit organizations in Africa encounter numerous challenges in navigating the landscape of identifying suitable NGO grants and determining the optimal approach for the application process. Addressing these hurdles effectively is essential for sustaining and expanding their impactful initiatives. CESRA stands as a beacon of support, offering invaluable guidance to non-profits in Africa, aiding them in Read more…

USA Embassy small grants program for Kenyans nonprofit organizations

USA Embassy small grants program for Kenyans nonprofit organizations The U.S. Embassy Nairobi, Public Diplomacy Section (PDS Nairobi) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes in focus, and Read more…

2020 Fund for Local Nonprofit Organizations- Embassy of Finland in Kenya.

  The Embassy of Finland in Nairobi has announced a call for project proposals for the 2020 Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC). FLC plays a complementary role to the Finnish development co-operation programme in Kenya, with the aim of reducing poverty and inequality. The fund supports the initiatives of Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) and other non-state Read more…

Grants for NGOs in Tanzania

Funding Opportunities The U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania announces an open competition for initiatives that promote educational and cultural engagement and foster mutual understanding between the United States and Tanzania.  The Embassy seeks projects designed to further the development of Tanzania’s future leaders, build the capacity of Tanzanian institutions, and promote awareness and Read more…

Grants in Zambia for Grassroots Projects and NGOs

Funding Opportunity Title: U.S. Embassy Lusaka PAS Annual Program Statement Deadline for Applications: Applications accepted through June 30, 2020. CFDA Number: 19.040 – Public Diplomacy Programs Maximum for Each Award: $20,000 The U.S. Embassy to Zambia Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through Read more…

grants for NGOs in Africa

Current Call for Proposals 2020 for Developing Countries and NGO Grants List 2020 – Funding Opportunities for Charities – Grants for Non-Profit Organizations US Embassy Special Self-Help Grants in Ghana – Apply by 15th May 2020 US Embassy Public Diplomacy Small Grants in Sierra Leone – Apply by 31st May 2020 Small Grants for Non-governmental Read more…