We have inadequate funds for CSR projects, says KenGen


KenGen has said it is unable to implement the corporate social responsibility projects Mbeere residents demand because of limited funds.


Board chairman Joshua Choge said the community expects many projects that would improve the living standards of its members.


He said despite the limited funds, the company has implemented projects in health, education, environment and sports, as well as socio-cultural activities, which have had a great impact on the residents.


Choge said the county governments, MPs and MCAs should partner with it to start projects that improve the living standards of the residents. He said political offices should set aside some funds for such projects.


Choge was speaking in Cieria village, Mbeere North constituency, on Wednesday, when he commissioned the Sh1.5 million Ngurunga Earth Dam funded by the World Bank. He was with the company’s CEO Albert Mugo and Eastern Hydros operation manager Francis Kawa.


Choge also commissioned a 72-member stakeholders’ coordination committee for projects funded by KenGen in the Embu, Kitui and Machakos counties.


“The money we contribute in our corporate social responsibility projects is little, but if the county governments, MPs and MCAs contribute larger amounts, we can start major projects with great benefits to the people,” he said.


The dam will serve 700 residents and 6,000 livestock.Choge said it is a big relief to the community as the area experiences semi-arid climatic conditions, with an annual rainfall of between 300 to 650mm.


He said the dam will also reduce attacks of residents by crocodiles as they fetch water from the dams where Ken

source: star newspaper

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Author: gicinga