
By Damaris Kiilu.


The third Annual National Community Service Responsibility (CSR) Awards were launched on Thursday,   with more companies expected to take place in this year’s Awards.


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder of CESRA Kenya Julie Chege, said that the awards showcase projects that help to improve the workplace for the benefit of all employees that they engage with. She added that they were also scouting for projects that have also helped improve the communities in which businesses operate and most importantly those that care for the ecosystem through environmentally friendly practices.


“The award also focuses on the best marketplace practice that stays true to the company’s brand DNA through transparency, and ensuring the quality of product information,” said Ms. Chege.



She pointed out that this year, there are seven categories for 2019 CSR awards. She emphasized that the application will be done through ten different vigorous online stages.


“The awards are an accurate reflection of where the business is making progress in all aspects of CSR and sustainability and the 2019 categories do just that. The awards are highly competitive and reflect the dynamic pace of growth and innovation in Corporate Responsibility and sustainability business practice; attracting and now open to companies of all sizes from small independents to large companies.” she cited


The CSR awards have become one of the highlights in the business awards calendar for its work in rewarding best practice in the field of CSR and sustainability, focusing on the Centre for Social Responsibility Accountability’s five pillars of CSR, The awards categories are: Excellence in Labor Relation, Excellence in Environment; Excellence in CSR Leadership; Excellence in Market Place; Excellence in Community Relations; Excellence in CSR Communication; Best MS Corporate CSR presentations (all applicants are automatically eligible for this award).


“Among the top companies who won the past CSR awards are Equity Group Foundation, Sawela Lodges, Urban Surge Empire and Gap Marketing,” said the CESRA Kenya Chairlady Magdalena Atieno. She added that this was done through a special award selection of the best CSR video presentation by their CSR ambassadors.


 The closing date for nominations slated for Tuesday 17th August 2019.


Online voting will commence on August 30th, 2019 and winners will be announced on Wednesday 17th October 2019 and published on the National CSR awards website. They will also be announced via its media partners and other publicity campaigns.

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Author: gicinga